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No Stress on our Side that the Mic Would Drop

Ensure stress free experiences for event presenters and support teams.

Town Hall AV System NYC

“I just want to say thank you again for the support! We did have a successful town hall event in the new space and our CEO at the end gave a shout out on stage that this was the first time ever we had no ‘technology issues’. Our new AV setup and your ongoing support are very much responsible for that. No stress on our side that the mic would drop!”

A great reminder from one of our latest Town Hall design/build projects, that we’re not only focused on the dynamics of the room, but the dynamics of the people in that room. That includes making certain the staff supporting the town hall and the presenters have a stress free experience because of the quality of the systems and our teams’ work.

A few planning highlights that helped ensure a successful- and stress free event.

System Health Check

A few days before the event, USIS AV performed health checks on each system component and tested all functionality. We paid particular attention to the remote participant audio and video experience, something that was a challenge for the client in the past.

Event Support

We had our remote technical support staff on standby during the event, which gave our client an additional resource- and peace of mind if any issues should occur.

Run Through

Since our client’s space serves multiple functions when not utilized for their town hall events, it was crucial to host a run through specific to the agenda. For example, once the seating was reconfigured, we tested sight angles and audio coverage to ensure all audience members had an equitable audio and video experience.

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